Presidents and Zodiac Signs

Stars of The Oval Office: U.S. Presidents and Their Zodiac Signs

Have you ever looked at the night sky and wondered about the stories those twinkling stars could tell? Have you thought about how those stars might connect to our world, maybe even to our U.S. Presidents? Today, we’re going on a super cool adventure through time and space, connecting each U.S. President to their zodiac sign!

A zodiac sign is determined by when you were born. There are 12 signs, and each one has unique qualities and traits. Now, imagine if we told you that one sign, Scorpio, takes the lead when it comes to U.S. Presidents! That’s right, folks, we have had six Scorpio Presidents, including John Adams and Joe Biden. Scorpios are known to be brave and determined. So, if you’re a Scorpio, you’re in some pretty cool company!

But the Aquarius and Pisces signs aren’t far behind. They each have had five U.S. Presidents! Fun fact: the first U.S. President, George Washington, was a Pisces. And the famous President Abraham Lincoln was an Aquarius. So, it seems like these two signs have had their fair share of spotlight, too.

However, Aries and Virgo signs might feel a bit left out because they’ve only had two presidents each. But, here’s the exciting part: Aries can brag about Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence. And Virgos can take pride in Lyndon B. Johnson, who signed the important Civil Rights Act.

You know what’s even more interesting? We haven’t had a Taurus President since the 19th century. Taurus folks are known to be reliable and practical, which sounds like great traits for a President, don’t you think? Maybe it’s about time we had another Taurus in the Oval Office!

As we embark on this fun journey through the cosmos and history, remember, your zodiac sign doesn’t decide your future. Yes, it’s cool to know that six U.S. Presidents were Scorpios, but that doesn’t mean Scorpios are more likely to be Presidents. After all, becoming a President requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and love for our country, regardless of your zodiac sign.

U.S. Presidents and Their Signs

Here are all the Presidents of the United States until 2021, including their dates of birth and their zodiac signs:

  1. George Washington, February 22, 1732, Pisces
  2. John Adams, October 30, 1735, Scorpio
  3. Thomas Jefferson, April 13, 1743, Aries
  4. James Madison, March 16, 1751, Pisces
  5. James Monroe, April 28, 1758, Taurus
  6. John Quincy Adams, July 11, 1767, Cancer
  7. Andrew Jackson, March 15, 1767, Pisces
  8. Martin Van Buren, December 5, 1782, Sagittarius
  9. William Henry Harrison, February 9, 1773, Aquarius
  10. John Tyler, March 29, 1790, Aries
  11. James K. Polk, November 2, 1795, Scorpio
  12. Zachary Taylor, November 24, 1784, Sagittarius
  13. Millard Fillmore, January 7, 1800, Capricorn
  14. Franklin Pierce, November 23, 1804, Sagittarius
  15. James Buchanan, April 23, 1791, Taurus
  16. Abraham Lincoln, February 12, 1809, Aquarius
  17. Andrew Johnson, December 29, 1808, Capricorn
  18. Ulysses S. Grant, April 27, 1822, Taurus
  19. Rutherford B. Hayes, October 4, 1822, Libra
  20. James A. Garfield, November 19, 1831, Scorpio
  21. Chester A. Arthur, October 5, 1829, Libra
  22. Grover Cleveland, March 18, 1837, Pisces
  23. Benjamin Harrison, August 20, 1833, Leo
  24. Grover Cleveland (second term), March 18, 1837, Pisces
  25. William McKinley, January 29, 1843, Aquarius
  26. Theodore Roosevelt, October 27, 1858, Scorpio
  27. William H. Taft, September 15, 1857, Virgo
  28. Woodrow Wilson, December 28, 1856, Capricorn
  29. Warren G. Harding, November 2, 1865, Scorpio
  30. Calvin Coolidge, July 4, 1872, Cancer
  31. Herbert Hoover, August 10, 1874, Leo
  32. Franklin D. Roosevelt, January 30, 1882, Aquarius
  33. Harry S. Truman, May 8, 1884, Taurus
  34. Dwight D. Eisenhower, October 14, 1890, Libra
  35. John F. Kennedy, May 29, 1917, Gemini
  36. Lyndon B. Johnson, August 27, 1908, Virgo
  37. Richard Nixon, January 9, 1913, Capricorn
  38. Gerald Ford, July 14, 1913, Cancer
  39. Jimmy Carter, October 1, 1924, Libra
  40. Ronald Reagan, February 6, 1911, Aquarius
  41. George H. W. Bush, June 12, 1924, Gemini
  42. Bill Clinton, August 19, 1946, Leo
  43. George W. Bush, July 6, 1946, Cancer
  44. Barack Obama, August 4, 1961, Leo
  45. Donald Trump, June 14, 1946, Gemini
  46. Joe Biden, November 20, 1942, Scorpio

(Note: While Grover Cleveland served two non-consecutive terms, he is only counted once for this zodiac tally.)

By The Numbers

Here’s the count of presidents under each sign, from greatest to least:

  1. Scorpio – 6 (Adams, Polk, Garfield, Harding, Roosevelt, Biden)
  2. Pisces – 5 (Washington, Madison, Jackson, Cleveland, Cleveland)
  3. Aquarius – 5 (Harrison, Lincoln, McKinley, Roosevelt, Reagan)
  4. Taurus – 4 (Monroe, Buchanan, Grant, Truman)
  5. Libra – 4 (Hayes, Arthur, Eisenhower, Carter)
  6. Sagittarius – 3 (Van Buren, Taylor, Pierce)
  7. Capricorn – 3 (Fillmore, Johnson, Wilson)
  8. Leo – 3 (Harrison, Hoover, Clinton)
  9. Gemini – 3 (Kennedy, Bush, Trump)
  10. Cancer – 3 (Adams, Coolidge, Bush)
  11. Virgo – 2 (Taft, Johnson)
  12. Aries – 2 (Jefferson, Tyler)

What’s Your Sign?

So, what’s your zodiac sign? Do you share it with a U.S. President? Or maybe you learned something new about a President you admire? Either way, we hope you had a blast on this cosmic adventure through U.S. history. Remember, just like the stars in the sky, you’re special and unique. So, reach for the stars, and who knows? Maybe one day, we’ll add your name to this list of U.S. Presidents!

In the end, it’s all in good fun and a unique way to look at history. So, keep exploring, keep learning, and keep shining, just like the stars!

Find Your Zodiac Sign